to each his own.

being new home owners there are always "projects" to be done. the past few weekends as the weather has been getting nicer those projects have been outdoors. ryan usually digging, planting, pulling, weeding, mowing or sweeping and me... well, i photograph it all. it's the part i enjoy. and this last weekend as i felt i should get dirty and dig a little he consistently asked me " you want me to do that?" so i'm guessing i either looked way out of my element or i wasn't doing it "right".

i'll stick to the photographs or maybe i'll sleep in next time. :)

i enjoy my role. our herbs are begining to sprout this week. we're still debating on the garden. we were all go this weekend and then stopped to figure out how to get rid of the grass that is where we want the garden. when we couldn't come up with a "simple solution" we opted out of the garden and bought flowers for the front yard. now i think we have a solution so we might work at it next weekend. we'll see what happens.


Anonymous said…
beautiful flowers! god's paintbrush is definitely working hard! what herbs do you have? i may have to bug you for some for when i'm cooking :)
Anonymous said…
Well melissa, this is Luci, Ozzie's aunt...i've truly enjoyed reading over all your blogs...i'm here with katie, she's doing my hair's not that i have to cover my's just that i like a different color...haha...anyway we're waiting for the time to rinse out. So we were bored, and she commented that i should see your blog, and what blog it is. All i say is, good for you!!! I look forward to reading more and I guess I'll live my life vicarious through you. Take care and I'll write again. Keep on keeping on!!!
Take care and God Bless, Luci
Jen said…
I'm with you on the photography and sleeping in part for sure. These are really beautiful. The purple is my favorite!
april said…
Those are so pretty! Great job!!
Liz Ferguson said…
Beautiful flowers! I love all the colors!
Yelena R. said…
Beautiful flowers! Wow, I really wish I had flowers in my own backyard, I have to settle for gardens, public plots, and other peoples front yards for my photographs :)
Vera said…
Is the pink one a gerbera? It is lovely. But since violet is my favorite color, i'm partial to the violet bloom! Thanks for sharing your photos :)
Prairie Lady said…
Wow those are cool blossoms. Love the purple blue one. Is that a type of poppy?
Terri said…
Beautiful flower capures
I can't get enough flower shots...My wife is constantly having to wait for me to get just the right angle before we move on...Great shots here! Glad I found your blog.
Jessi said…
Beautiful flowers! I wish my husband would "discourage" me from yard work! ;) Happy summer, loved your shots.
Kathleen said…
Beautiful shots! And congrats on your new home!
You two seem wonderful together, I love your photos!
Mominin said…
Beautiful flowers! Looks like you must have a green thumb!
Unknown said…
beautiful flowers. made me really smile!
Stillmary said…
Beautiful flowers with gorgeous colors. Very nice!
Heather D said…
Love all the colors! Very summer!
Christy M. said…
The two of you make a wonderful team. Your flowers are amazing!! Great shots :)
Anonymous said…
Your lovely flowers make me smile!
Angie Seaman said…
Hey girl. Thanks for participating in the FOTO FIND FRIDAY. Is there any way you can include the link in your post back to our blog post for this? The logo is on my page. We just have to have that part mentioned/shown within your post. I deleted your link so that you could get the post linked back and then re-add it to the McKLinky. Let me know if you have any questions. Just email me for the code. Your blog comment area won't allow me to leave it here. My email address is

Thanks a million for participating. We are so glad to have ya!

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