Fathers Day 2010

I took pictures on Fathers Day with Ryan's family (because of the cute baby you know) but didn't get a single photo with my family. I know a huge part of that was that I was eating the ENTIRE time we were there, but still. I feel bad. This was my brother in law's first Fathers Day. I took this photo on Mother's Day actually. Carsyn's Nana found a beach ball at the dollar store and blew it up for him. Holy smokes was that the hit of the day! He was squealing and having a grand ole time with that thing. Do you think his parents would notice if I just took him? He's so stinkin' cute! I'm not sure why Oz wasn't in this photo but we had Brad (FIL) with his son and grandson. This picture just warms my whole heart. Do they love each other or what? Tender moment for Baby Carsyn & his Papaw.