Baby Shower part 2

Our second baby shower was in Hanford at my Sister & Brother in Law's house. It was all of hubs family & our Hanford friends. They did a Fresno State Tailgate Couples Shower. It was so fun and the food was amazing! My Brother In Law (Ozzie) BBQ'd hot dogs for hours! We had all kinds of chips, 4 kinds of cheese and bean & 7 layer dips. We had fruit cups & pasta salad. We were so thankful for everyone who came. Above is Ricky & Nicky (father & son) hubs grew up with Nick. Our cutie nephew in his FSU shirt and cool shades with his Ava (Ozzie's Mom). From L to R hubs' Grandma Betty, his Aunt Joreen & Uncle Aharon (they drove all the way from LA to be here for the shower, we were so thrilled to have them) & my FIL, Brad. Laurie is hiding there in the far Left corner, Chrissy, Betsy, Aunt Doris, G'ma Betty, Diane Cute Malin (daughter of our friends Suzzie & Jaime) & my SIL, Katie. We got lots of great stuff and some gift cards and m...