Is your Marriage Fireproof?

This weekend changed my perspective of what a good movie is. I mean I have been to the movies before, leaving the theater with a good feeling about the movie I had just seen; but that has been the extent of the excitement or enjoyment I have felt for a good or even great movie. This weekend was very different. My wife and I, along with my father-in-law, decided on a whim to go see the movie Fireproof, and what a movie it was! Yes, the acting may have been a little cheesy at first, but once you got past the first 15 minutes you can find yourself caught up in a great story, one that I feel (know) is relevant for everyone at every age. This movie was fantastic. A must see. It is one that I would recommend to everyone I know and even don't know. I know you are probably reading this thinking that I must be crazy, but I am not. I am just plain excited and thankful. Thankful for a movie that Hollywood, movie-goers, and society needed and excited for the message that it emits. We are unfortunately in a day in age where almost anything is acceptable, anything goes, and I thought we were on a downward spiral with no hope in sight. But this movie gave me hope, gave me excitement, more so than I have ever felt walking out of any movie. This movie provides more than just entertainment. The movie leaves you thinking about life and what matters most. I urge you to see it. Take your friends, family, kids, parents. Just go see it. I promise you will leave like me with a different perspective of what a good, great movie is.



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