American Idol
so i'm totally addicted. i've watched it seasons past and i have emotionally attached myself to various contestants but never like i have this season and never this early on! i am NOT a fan of this new 36 down to 12 system. i was way to emotional last night and i was quite distraught that i didn't get to watch tuesday night's performances on tuesday night and i didn't get to vote. i can say that if i had had to hand pick three out of that group those would have been my choices. i was thrilled at the top 12 selections. however i can't leave you with only those thoughts of course... *i am thankful that there will still be wild card spots open because i do think that anoop and possibly ricky braddy deserve one of those spots. *i am irritated that this weeks group had quite a few good folks and the preview of next weeks group looks like there are very few that i really enjoy. why couldn't they spread this weeks group out a bit? *i am thankful that tatiana is gon...