writer's block

so i haven't posted anything on here in over a month. it's not because we haven't done anything or that we've been so busy we didn't have time to write, it's just that nothing seemed interesting enough to make it on the blog. i feel like this blog has become all about what we're doing around the house, and i enjoy that because it's our big project for right now. however i'm not sure how much ya'll enjoy reading about the house.

as far as the house goes, we are having the much awaited concrete done this week. i'm so ready for the yard to be "company ready". we have big plans for the summer BBQ's and such. my husband has spent the better part of every weekend in his yard. he loves to mow his lawn, plant more in the flowerbeds, decorate with bark and rocks. our yard really looks good. i'm proud of my hubby for the amount of time, energy, sweat, and blood that has gone into our yard and house.

we had a busy last week. while the town was on spring break ryan and i still had to work. ryan, however, had training tues thru thurs here in fresno from 830am-430pm so he didn't have to leave each morning until 8am and he was home before i was. since he didn't have to commute and he was working less hours we were able to have a bit of a midweek social life so we felt like we had a bit of a spring break as well.

*fri night we had dinner at the mcleran's and played cards. us girls won breakfast in bed!
*sat night we had dinner with the gridiron's and had cold stone ice cream
*sun night we had church and the gridiron's came over after for brownies
*mon night i went up to the hosptial to sit with my mom waiting for my dad to have his battery changed in his difibulator (sp?) all went well. ry worked until after 8pm so dinner at 9pm and heading to bed.
*tues night we had coffee and dessert at the mundy's and they taught us how to play settlers
*wed night we made easter cookies at my aunts, had dinner with the fam and then went to see my cousins house and new dog
*thurs night we colored easter eggs at our house with my parents, sister, and cousin
*fri night we had dinner at the epperley's house, ryan learned out the play sequence
*sat we got up early, went yard sale-ing, i had lunch with the girls while ryan worked in the yard, then we met up with my parents and ran some errands, had dinner, and then decorated my cousin's house while he was out of town
* easter sunday we went to tulare and had lunch with the family there. it was a nice day, we came home and gave the dog a bath and cleaned house before the new work week.

there's our busy week in a nut shell. this week should be a nice relaxing alternative. i'll post new pics of the yard soon. everything is in bloom! concrete pics will come this week too. i'm heading to women's retreat this weekend with the church, so ry will be playing the bachelor. maybe check in on him if you think about it! :) be sure he's at home and the house is still standing. :)


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