Is this thing on?

I promise we're still alive and doing well. Just crazy busy. Hubs was out of town for a week hunting/fishing/camping in South Central Arkansas with a friend and I kept myself busy hanging out at my parents and trying to organize various things around the house, and working. Hubs returned last Saturday around noon and I could hardly wait for the plane to land. I know a lot of couples that travel for work or have family that live away and so one spouse will go visit and often the other's schedule doesn't allow and so they are apart for longer periods of time... that's not us. I go on a retreat once a year with a cousin for the weekend, and hubs has had to travel like maybe over night (two nights max) with work but other than that, we've never really been apart. I'm not a fan. He was gone from Saturday to Saturday and we spoke on the phone I think twice while he was gone. I was SOOOOO ready for him to be home and to hang out with him and talk to him and just enjoy HIM. We went home as soon as I picked him up so that he could shower and I could start washing his gross camping clothes. Once he was cleaned up we headed to lunch and then went and sat at Starbucks and just talked and talked. The weather was beautiful. We were trying to figure out what else we wanted to do, we had both ditched our phones and were so ready to just have a fun day together. Since the weather was so nice, we felt like we wanted to do something outside, so Mini Golf it was! Hubs of course won, but he said I did great "for me". Whatever he meant by that! Ha!

On Sunday we spent the entire day in our PJ's, I finished all his wash and he got his camo and gear put away. We caught up on our DVR'd shows since I didn't watch anything while he was gone since I knew he'd want to see it all. He's been home a week now and I think we're finally settling back into life together. I've told him he's not allowed to go for that long again. I'm not a fan. :) He even brought me flowers this week! I think he missed me too! :)

I promise to get some more updates on here soon. We've got lots going on at our house! Projects galore!


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