Weekend Get Away

This weekend hubs and I got that mini vacation I was longing for in last weeks post. We had planned a few months ago to head to the coast for a few days to camp with some friends.

I took all of these photos with my iPhone. I edited them with the "Shake it photo" application. I have no idea how I left town for four days and FORGOT MY CAMERA! How does the aspiring photographer head to the beach and not take her camera?

This was our home for three nights. I haven't been camping since early high school and I was surprised at how much I actually enjoyed sleeping out under the stars. Yes, there is an air mattress under those sleeping bags so we didn't TOTALLY "rough it".

This is a beautiful time of year on the coast. We are blessed to not live far.

It's views like this that make me feel so small and yet in awe of the One who created it all. Our friends B & J lost there sweet baby in January at 20 weeks pregnant and we knew this month would be hard for them as he was due to arrive in June. It was nice to sit, relax, talk, laugh & argue with our stubborn husbands (who I swear are related).

We ate until we couldn't eat anymore. We played "Battle of the Sexes" around the campfire one night. My husband watching just about every sport there is and I think he was really regretting making me watch them with him. Many of our questions were about sports and how many points a field goal was worth in Football, or a free throw in Basketball, or what the things you put in a drill are called. I knew them all and the girls WON! Hubs said no more watching sports or doing home projects for me! I'm learning too many things that come back to bite him during that game!

I love this shot on the beach. I also love my husband and the time we get to spend together doing something we both enjoy. This coming weekend is back to the home projects. We aren't starting a new room this weekend, we're working to get the last two put back together so we can find things! I also got all the stuff for my office make over and the floors are done in that room. I can't wait to show you all.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I hope your week is even better!


Jennifer said…
Beautiful pictures! Looks like so much fun!! I miss talking to you...we have to catch up soon :)

Love, Jen

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