Tales From the Gym
That's one weird blog title, so let me fill you in... I started the Couch to 5K running program awhile back, remember? Well, I sucked at it. I can't run. It worked me to death and it never got easier. The whole push yourself each time and it will get easier and then you'll increase your running increments until you build up your stamina... yea none of that happened. I did week one like 8 times and I still wanted to die. The thought of increasing my running time made me want to stab myself in my eye. Not to mention that I'm apparently some sort of 29 year old going on 60 because OH.MY.JOINTS! My hips, my knees & my ankles cursed me daily. I loved the way I felt when I was done, but it was the getting there that just about killed me. So one day we didn't run and you know how that goes... one day turned into two months and then it wasn't spoke of again. Hubs and I had to sit down and have a heart to heart one day about getting into shape. We both needed it BAD....