The rest of the story...

Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments and congrats to hubs and I. We are beyond thrilled, as you can imagine, and we have just been on cloud nine sharing the news with everyone. For the sake of documenting the process I will share some more details with y'all.

This little bean was planned and much hoped and prayed for. We found out that I was pregnant on Friday, October 1st. I had a feeling that whole week that I was pregnant because I had ZERO appetite and that is VERY unusual for me. I took a test on Wed and it was negative. I knew it was still early, so I waited. Friday I took a test from the dollar store as soon as I got home from work and it was positive. I couldn't stop smiling. I half expected to cry but I was so over the moon. I had purchased a little outfit when we started trying and I hid it knowing that's how I would tell hubs once we were pregnant. I ran and wrapped the outfit after I took the test and I put it on the kitchen counter where I know he puts all his stuff when he gets home. He saw the bag on the counter, but didn't think anything of it. I had to push him to open it. He knew right away and looked at me and said "are you pregnant?" I just smiled and shook my head and while he was smiling he just stared at me and kept saying "NO WAY?" "Are you sure?" "No, really?" I finally took him back and showed him the test and he wasn't convinced. He said he wanted to go get a good test and be sure (he didn't trust the dollar store test strip). We were actually on our way out that night to make our grocery run so we stopped by Wal Mart and grabbed a pack of tests. I took another one once we got home and it took all of 30 seconds to show up and the test line was much darker than the control line so I knew it was in fact positive.

We knew we wanted to keep things quiet for awhile and make sure everything looked good with our little bean. We had our first doctors appointment on Thursday, Oct 14th and they went over everything with us, did a normal check up and all the medical history questions. My OB is also my GYN so I had seen him for my annual check ups but they re ask a lot of questions once you're pregnant. At that appointment they scheduled our first ultra sound for Monday, November 1st at which point I would be a little over 8 weeks (by my calculations) and they said they should be able to get accurate measurements and see heartbeat. We had a fiasco that week since I got called for Jury Duty and wouldn't be out in time to make it to the appointment, the doctor didn't want to move me another week later so he wrote me a note to not serve on Jury Duty and the Judge on the case wouldn't accept it unless there was a "pressing medical issue resulting in harm to me or the baby". I told him that my doctor just wasn't comfortable with me postponing the appointment and he assured me he'd have me out of court on that day in enough time to make the ultra sound appointment. I was a stress case and an emotional wreak for awhile there. We had wanted to wait and tell our families after we saw the ultra sound and be sure everything looked good, and that next weekend was hubs birthday and we'd be seeing both families in their entirety and knew it would be the perfect time to tell them, without the ultra sound we weren't sure when and how we'd tell and I was all flustered. The end of the story was happy, I got out on time, got to my car quick (nothing about the court system, elevators, trolley to the jury parking lot & downtown traffic is usually quick) and made it to the office with no time to spare. The ultra sound went well, everything looked great and our little bean put on quite the show. My calculations were right on and my estimated due date was set for June 10th, 2011.

I promise the next post will have photos and I will be back to share how we told everyone. We did something different for everyone and it was so fun.


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