Week 12

I'm a bit behind on my weekly posts, I am actually almost 13 weeks now so I need to do some catch up. This photo was taken on time so for the sake of documenting the process I want to be sure I post what 12 weeks looks like. The "bean" is the size of a lg plum at 12 weeks and is growing away in there.
I haven't been super sick this week. Only got sick once. My issue this week is dizziness. I feel pretty light headed from time to time. I can't imagine that it would be good for a preggo girl to topple over in random places, so I've found myself just sitting down when I need to. I'm still sleeping great (and a lot) eating like crazy, although this week nothing has sounded all that good, I still find a way to eat.
We ventured out at 3am on Black Friday to get our glider we wanted for the baby's room. We had already picked one that we liked, but we were going to wait (who needs a glider at 12 weeks pregnant), but in the ads we saw it was going to be 50% on Black Friday. Why not save money on something you know you're going to buy anyway right?? I will document us putting that together when we do. It's so comfortable I kind of want to just sit in it and read.

I'm looking forward to our doctor's appointment tomorrow. I'm hoping we schedule the ultrasound to find out if we're having a boy or girl. I can't believe we're already to the point where we'll know soon... but I'm dying to know! Hubs has been sick this week (horrid cold) please pray I don't get it. There's very few things you can take when you're pregnant and I really don't want to venture there right now.


Erin Gunstream said…
I can't believe how cute your belly us already! Don't forget to post how you told everyone in your dam- I'm looking forward to those stories and reactions! Congrats again!

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