wk 29 & 30

I don't have too many new symptoms to share. Baby is growing like a weed these days. All his kicks and movements are getting stronger. He's feeling heavier everyday. The heartburn is my only real complaint and it hasn't been unbearable, just really uncomfortable.

The photo above is 29 weeks.
This photo above is 30 weeks. Baby is the size of a large squash and weighs about 3.5 lbs.

Last weekend was my first baby shower. We are having a few so we can have smaller groups and be able to visit with everyone and not combine random groups of friends and family. Last weeks shower was thrown by my friend Jill & her mom Lynn. Jill and I have been friends since preschool. They did a great job with the shower, every detail was perfect. We were blessed with so many great things for baby. I was trying to wait until all the showers were over before really organizing everything but my nesting got the best of me last night. I got most stuff put away and organized. I just love looking at all the cute little tiny things! We officially have baby's going home outfit as well as the cutest diaper bag I've ever seen. I will start posting pictures of things soon. I want to wait until all the showers are over before I post all the decor and shower pics so not to put any hostesses on the spot. :)

We are so thankful to be enjoying these last 9 weeks. While that still sounds like a long time to me... I told hubs last night that I only have 9 Saturday's left to sleep in and that made it seem quite real and coming FAST! We are now going to the Dr every other week. This last week we registered at the hospital for delivery while we were there (my Dr's office is right next to the hospital). We also have planned an ultrasound for 37 weeks to check baby's size. I'm excited to see him again and at that point we'll be able to make a birth plan based on what that ultrasound shows.

I have a sneak peak of the nursery ready to post this week. Promise.


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