One Month

I am behind on his monthly posts and want to be sure I have all the memories here to look back on so I'm going to play catch up this week.

On July 7th you turned One Month Old!

We are starting to figure you out a bit more, but you still run the show! You are still sleeping in our room in your Pack 'n Play. You wake up 2 times a night to eat. You don't like it when I wrap you in your swaddle blanket, but once you're in you love sleeping all wrapped up. You have loved your pacifier (we call it a "pita") from day one so if you are ever upset or sleepy that calms you right down or puts you right to sleep. You have no patience waiting for Mama to feed you, when you are hungry you want to eat YESTERDAY! I wish I could say you eat every three hours, but it really depends on the day. Sometimes you want to eat every 1 1/2 hours. You have the cutest little rolls starting on your legs. You have no issues feeding and have been gaining weight just fine. This is probably not something you want me to document but you are the gassiest baby I've ever seen. You burp so loud after every feeding not to mention you toot like a grown man. I'm so nervous to take you anywhere because you toot so loud I'm afraid someone will think it's me! You are getting really good and pee'ing all over your Daddy and I. I never thought something so little could pee so far. You lasted in Newborn size diapers for about 1 1/2 weeks and are now in a size one. You can still fit in a few of the Newborn size onesies that were brand new, but are mostly wearing size 0-3 months. We are so thankful that you have great friends that have shared their clothes with you because there have been a few days where we've gone through 4+ outfits in one day. Between your massive spit up issues and your massive diapers you keep Mama on her toes. You are such a warm blooded baby, we can't put you in anything long sleeved or even pants. You've never even worn socks. You just wear short sleeved onesies everyday & to sleep in.


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