Four Months

I'm not sure how I have a four month old already!?? Bear is seriously so fun right now. He's getting really wiggly so these pictures are getting harder and harder to take, but he's got so much personality. He is still eating great, on a much more consistant schedule. Every 3-4 hours. He is maybe waking up once a night, depending on how he eats in the evening. His teeth have been giving him some real trouble this last week or so. He fusses more than normal and pulls at his bottom jaw. And Oh The DROOL! He still occasionally spits up, not near as much as he used to. He is such a little flirt already, he'll flash anyone a smile. He is in size 3 diapers and still fits in some 3-6 mo clothes but mostly all 6 month stuff now. It got a little chilly for about a week and we had a hard time fitting into winter stuff. By the time it gets cold for good he'll fit in things better. Pants are hard because if they fit around his chubby belly they are about 6 inches too long, if ...